In recent years, it has become more apparent than ever that the British weather can and will be entirely different from one day to the next. With this climate change in mind, it’s important to create a garden that can withstand the extreme heat and extreme wet weather that we Brits see year on year. 

In this blog, we will look at climate change and gardening. We’ll give our insight on how we can adapt and enhance our spaces to take on the great British weather. 

Climate Change and Gardening: New Build Gardens

Commonly, with new-build homes and gardens, drainage is overlooked, which can be a problem when it comes to climate change and gardening – especially in very wet periods. Most modern gardens tend to feature a lot of hard landscaping, as entertaining and relaxing has taken priority over more traditional garden uses. This can create problems as it minimises the space available for surface rainwater to drain or run off to. 

If you’re investing in a new build and want to get the most out of your garden in all weathers, make sure you check the soil conditions from the offset. How well it drains can be vital if you plan on having a lot of hard standing. Check where current water systems such as downpipes are running to, this may be your best drainage solution. Working with a professional landscaper like J.Drewe can give you a good insight into whether your garden will drain successfully and how we can adapt this if need be. 

Alongside handling our long, wet Winters, we’re seeing rising temperatures in Summer, and this is also something to consider when it comes to climate change and gardening. To create a space that you can enjoy all year round, you need to consider elements of your garden such as planting, paving, and shady areas to relax and escape the heat in summer.

For example, if your paving will be exposed to direct sunlight during the day, try to avoid choosing dark-coloured paving, as this will retain heat far more than lighter slabs. Working with a landscaper can enhance your ability to create the perfect garden for all weathers.

Climate Change and Gardening: Older established gardens

Just because a garden has been there for a long time or is slightly larger than your typical new build, it doesn’t mean that it is immune from issues in climate change and gardening. It’s always important to think about how the garden will stand up to months of rain or a long summer drought. 

One thing to consider when re-designing an older garden is drainage. If we were to get a large downpour, where is that rainwater coming from and where can it drain to? Installing and managing appropriate water systems is vital. We’ve been called out to multiple homes this year that have seen flooding due to poorly thought-out drainage and gardens not being able to cope with a sudden hit of extremely wet conditions. 

How J.Drewe Can Help With Climate Change and Gardening 

Although these extreme conditions create these problems, our designs allow for these potential issues and will create a garden that can be enjoyed all year round despite the unpredictable British weather!  

If you have any questions or you’d like us to take a look at your garden, please get in touch with our team either through our website or call on 01235 412567.

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